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  1. 观察汕优2号稻穗置于911℃低温预处理233天后进行花药培养。

    Observation on the panicles of San-Yu , two of them maintained cold - pretreatment at the temperature of 9-11 ℃ for 2 to 33 days .

  2. 在911月(果实成熟期)覆盖地膜,日平均土温增高1.7℃、土壤含水量比对照降低1124%。

    Mulching plastic film from September to November ( fruit ripening . period ) increased soil temperature per day to 1.7 ℃ , but decreased soil moisture to 11-24 % .

  3. 1933年9月11日,著名物理学家欧内斯特·卢瑟福满怀信心地说:"任何希望在原子转变过程中获得能量的人都在胡说八道。"

    On September 11,1933 , famous physicist Ernest Rutherford stated , with confidence , " Anyone who expects a source of power in the transformation of these atoms is talking moonshine . "

  4. 这种未雨绸缪的态度在后来的9·11事件中挽救了许多生命。

    This heads-up attitude proved to be lifesaving later on 9 / 11 .

  5. 用大餐勺把刚刚搅拌好的糊糊盛到锡纸上,烘烤9至11分钟,直到变成金黄色。

    Drop by rounded tablespoon onto tinfoil.Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown .

  6. “9·11一代”是指在2001年9月11日进入高中或大学的那一代人。

    Generation 9 / 11 refers to the generation of people who were enrolled1 in high school or university on September 11 , 2001 .

  7. 纽约野外队的空军中将表示,在疫情期间一度中断的后9·11自卫项目上个月又紧急重启。

    The air marshals in the New York field office say a post 9 / 11 self-defense program that had been on hiatus during the pandemic returned last month with a renewed sense of urgency .

  8. 我说:“我知道,但为什么他们要罢工(Strike)?”“想起9月11日发生了什么吗?”

    Know , but why do they strike ?"" Remember

  9. VIP、CEA阳性标本大多数为异倍体(16/20,9/11),这些异倍体均表现为非整倍体。

    Tumors with expression of VIP and CEA were mostly aneuploid .

  10. 参观一下在2001年9月11日那场惨绝人寰的袭击发生之前,原世贸中心(WorldTradeCenter)“双子塔”(TwinTowers)的所在地吧。

    Visit the place where the World Trade Center 's " Twin Towers " stood before the devastating attacks on September 11 , 2001 .

  11. RTPCR检测45、7、9、11周人胚胎生殖嵴中转录因子Oct4的表达。

    The expression of transcriptional factor Oct-4 was detected by RT-PCR .

  12. KeithMartin上一次走出家门是01年的9月11日。

    Keith Martin said he specifically remembers the last time he left the house was on 9 / 11 .

  13. 9~11岁学习困难儿童IQ水平,社会适应能力与行为问题的对照研究

    A Comparative study on IQ , social adjustment and behavioral problems of 9 & 11 years old school children with learning difficulty

  14. 这些资料有的滑稽,有的尖锐,就像这漫长而具有戏剧性的十年的缩影——从9·11事件的影响到阿拉伯之春(ArabSpring)的反响。

    The archive , at turns zany and poignant , is a photo album of a long and dramatic decade , from the aftermath of Sept. 11 to the reverberations of the Arab Spring .

  15. 布什领导下的美国对9•11事件反应过度,部分原因是NSC没能发挥应有的作用。

    Under Bush , the US overreacted to 9 / 11 partly because the NSC failed to perform its role .

  16. 9/11之后,包括时任美国贸易代表的罗伯特佐立克(robertzoellick)在内,热心推动新回合的人士提出,应当展现出全球团结。

    Enthusiasts for a new round , such as the then US trade representative Robert Zoellick , argued for a display of global solidarity following September 11 .

  17. 作为全球市场的两条大动脉,纽交所(NYSE)和纳斯达克(Nasdaq)也全部停盘&尽管它们在“9•11”事件后为城市应急系统投资了那么多钱。

    The NYSE and Nasdaq exchanges the lifeblood of world markets were closed , despite all their investment since 9 / 11 in backup systems .

  18. 有一个故事始于2001年9月11日深夜,当时任高盛(GoldmanSachs)首席执行官的保尔森正在太平洋上空一架飞往中国的私人飞机上。

    One episode started at the dead of night on September 11 2001 , when Paulson , then chief executive of Goldman Sachs , was in a private jet over the Pacific flying towards China .

  19. 自从多哈回合(DohaRound)多边谈判(多哈回合在2001年9月11日恐怖袭击之后不久启动)失败以来,全球贸易政策的焦点已转向仅限于某个伙伴国集团的诸边协定。

    Since the failure of the Doha round of multilateral negotiations launched shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001 the focus of global trade policy has shifted towards plurilateral agreements restricted to a limited subgroup of partners .

  20. 美国商学院全日制mba课程外国申请者数量的增加,在去年特别显著,威尔逊描述称,这与9/11恐怖袭击之后的情况大相径庭。

    The rise in foreign applicants to full-time MBA programmes at US schools was particularly marked last year , and is described by Mr Wilson as a dramatic turnround from the situation following the September 11 terrorism attacks .

  21. 根据该公司两期废水处理工程在7、8、9和11月份的运行情况,对IC、UBF和UASB反应器处理抗生素废水进行了对比研究。

    According to the operation conditions of the two wastewater treatment process in Jui ^ August ^ September and November , we compared the dispose effects of IC UBF and UASB in treating antibiotic wastewater .

  22. 方法通过2004年9至11月对全市在职中级以上知识分子进行糖尿病调查,对可能的危险因素进行单因素分析和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析。

    Methods DM epidemiological study was performed among the population in community in Urumchi city using the method of stratified cluster sampling from May to September 2002.The relationships between risk factors and DM were analyzed by the single factor non-condition Logistic regression analysis and multivariate Logistic regression .

  23. 2001年9月11日,OPC基金会宣布它已经得到各主要现场总线国际组织的支持,制定在基于以太网的通信协议之间进行数据交换的标准OPCDX。

    The OPC Foundation announced on September 11 of 2001 the development of an OPC Data Exchange ( DX ) standard for different application level protocols of industrial Ethernet , with the support from major international field bus organizations .

  24. 术后不使用CPM(对照组)21例26膝,年龄65~82岁,平均72.5岁;男9例11膝,女12例15膝。

    After not using CPM ( control group ) 21 cases of 26 knees , aged 65 to 82 years , mean 72.5 years ; men and 9 cases of 11 knees , 12 females , 15 knees .

  25. 重点分析9·11事件后SCO发展的动力与特征,并就SCO的机制化建设作深入的阐述。

    After 9 · 11 , the article focuses on the driving force and feature , expounds the construction of mechanism and discusses the opportunities and challenges of SCO , even the strategy of China to meet new problems .

  26. 29例中、低度分化口腔鳞状细胞癌中分别有6、9和11例高表达Wnt-1、APC和β-连环蛋白,23、20和18例低表达Wnt-1、APC和β-连环蛋白;

    Among all the 29 cases of moderate and poor differentiated OSCCs , there were 6,9 and 11 cases of high expressions of Wnt-1 , APC and β - catenin respectively , 23,20 and 18 cases of low expressions .

  27. 维护这种泥浆的关键是维持盐饱和、控制无用固相含量、净化泥浆、保持pH值在9~11。PGS饱和盐水泥浆配方简单,成本低廉,使用方便,在生产中具有广泛的推广应用价值。

    The important matters for the PGS muds are to keep the salt saturated , to restrict the useless solid content and to maintain the pH of 9 to 11 . The PGS salt-saturated mud is of low cost , easy to prepare and to use in drilling operation .

  28. 方法选择某农村9~11岁健康儿童82名,随机分为补充营养素组(补充组)和对照组,每组41名,采用24h膳食回忆法进行膳食调查。

    Methods 82 healthy children in a rural areas , aged 9-11 years , were selected and randomized allocated into group receiving supplements and control group with each of them 41 . 24-hour dietary recall was used to collect data on daily nutrient intakes of the research subjects .

  29. 从民意调查看9·11后的美国

    America after September 11 : Interpretation of a Set of Polls

  30. 9·11事件后的世界格局和中国

    The World Situation and China after the " 9.11 " Event